Discord Publishes 5 New Rules That Could Get You Banned! Reviews by John Wratts - 0 As the owner of a Community server, you and your moderation staff are in charge of assisting users in finding a new community to join. Here's everything you'll need to join the Community. Your server must be able to: Make a title and description for the server that appropriately defines it. Assist prospective members in comprehending why they want to join. No one likes to be deceived, so be accurate.Post regulations and standards that are easy to understand. Make it clear what is and isn't permitted in your neighborhood. Effective guidelines determine what type of information and behavior is and isn't acceptable. Make a team of moderators. Moderators can assist in ensuring that no rules are broken in your community and can
3 Ways to Produce Astonishing Creatives For Your Real Estate Portfolio Reviews by John Wratts - 0 Every day, millions of real estate videos are shared on the internet, the vast majority of them are published to YouTube. Nobody doubts the effectiveness of real estate video marketing as a tool for their business any longer, however making a real estate video on YouTube is still a mystery to some. Today, we want you to set your prejudices aside and open your mind to this amazing tool for educating, attracting, and strengthening client relationships, with examples of excellent real estate videos in the industry that you may copy. What's the point of making YouTube real estate videos? It takes some expertise to utilize a video editor for YouTube, but we don't want you to think that uploading elaborate movies for your